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Competition and jealousy (why it is a vicious practice)

To be able to do justice to this topic, i want to start with some quotes

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

Being the best is great, you're the number one. Being unique is greater, you're the only one.

I don't want to compete, my goal is not to be better than anyone else. I just want you to see and enjoy what makes me different from everyone else. 

You see like my unchanging philosophy proposes and I uphold, that reality functions as a system definite and unchanging based on this every components that constitutes reality's system has a definite design and identity assigned him which he must assume in order to effective fulfil the purpose for which he was design that way and consequently achieve sustainable life and happiness. The uniqueness of an entity which is as a result of the definite design teality assigned him is what defines the values that his uniqueness (as food) require to be developed and sustained which aslo determine the goals and direction of the entire course of his life. And because he is unique he cannot expect to be able to sustain his life and achieve happiness by trying to live by and on the values required to sustain the life of another person - in regular saying it is said that ones meet is another mans poiston which corroborate this saying because just like a plant cannot survive and achieve its values by trying to live on and by the values of an animal not because those values/resources are inherently bad but the uniqueness and the nature design reality assigned him doesn't permit fat and if he however chooses to go against that , then he is living in betrayal and again his own life - he is living on a suicide mission

Selfishness is a virtue in my philosophy and to live in anyway that's seeks to stop you(uniqueness) from sustainable life and happiness is evil and jealousy and competition are practices that are anti-self. If the General purpose is to achieve continuity of reality's system in a healthy and optimal state of functionality and individual purpose is to achieve self actualization (discovery, retention, development and creation of value required to enhance the functionality of others from his uniqueness trading it with them for greater value in order to achieve sustained happiness and long life to eventually achieve the purpose of the system) then competition and jealousy is not to his self interest as it doesn't contribute towards the achievement of those goals. Self esteem which is mans fundamental value acts as the fuel aiding the mind functionality in helping him achieve his purpose and this self esteem is what is threatened and sort after when he chooses to compete and act in jealousy. To be jealous of another explain a situation where an individual focuses his attention on another with a I'll feeling of being inferior to the order and seeking to harm or pull down the order as a way of redeeming his self-esteem. But mans self esteem lies within him and not depended on external factors or elements outside ones self not even with a fellow humanhuman. Therefore to think that another is better or superior to you and giving up your self esteem by that thought; having the only option of redeeming it back by trying to hurt or pulldown the other is not in your interest - it is a contradiction in terms because man's self esteem resides within him and can only be developed and thrive when he focuses on his uniqueness and obtain values which are peculiarly his(no other people consumes such)to develop it and let's it find expression. Bringing down another doesn't take you up the goal of individualism is to realize his full potential which in details means to discover, to assume, retain, preserve, develop his uniqueness and create value required by other people and organism to function optimally and trade for more values so that realty's system will continue to function in a healthy and optimal state. Since this is the goal of every entity especially humans the values which our uniqueness require to reach full development is spread across organism and other individual to bring him(fellow human) down is like being hungry and throwing away the food of another - an act which profits neither you or him.

Competition on the other hand is a practice which explains focusing on the strength and activities of another, seeking to obtain values required to sustain their own life and achieving happiness by trying to out perform them but you forget that everyone is unique and cannot be outperformed or better in being them. Its just like in the body, as a system, the hand saying that its better than the eye and trys to outperform it in the function of seeingseeing - I just can't comprehend it. Eye is eye and hand is hand there's no basis for comparing their performance because they are both distinct and have different functions and roles but their functions ate interdependent in order to see that the person life is sustained and that he achieve happiness. And I am wondering; if this is the case why people don't focus more on themselves and becoming their best - transmitting the uniqueness into product or service solutions in any career profession or business which is what is expected in order for the system to be whole and not lacking in any area instead we having many people trying to beat another in being the other person which is so clear in imitations, copying, lack of innovation and inventions and a monotonous and homogeneous economic atmosphere - I believe that there are more varieties of professions business and vocations yet to be because we have individuals who are afraid or ashamed to be and our lives and happiness cannot be fully maximized because of these people since they have what our lives sustainability and happiness depends on to be maximized but chooses not to recon with it instead they choose to be another. Competition sometimes is inherently not evil but is defined as such based on its tendency of leading to core evil practices putting the other down, killing the other, harming, etc worst of all abandoning ones uniqueness and focusing on another's strength in order to assume it there by killing yourself (stopping his expression and development)

Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Its a great way to display shortfall in self-esteem, self doubt and uncertainty about what makes you different from everyone else. Entrepreneurs and business people especially seem not to grasp this truth. if only they understood the first pillar admonition of the philosophy of system(individualism) they will understand living out your uniqueness should be your major focus as an individual, family or institution and you will always thrive above everyone else since there's no one like you

As reality functions as a system, each element has unique identity and purpose in the system untransferable. No one else can be and be able to do what you were designed for in the system if you remain you as an individual, as a family, as an institution or as a nation that can't be perfectly copied and effective in fulfilling the purpose of the system (continuity of reality's system in an optimal and healthy state of functionality

Think about that business can you proudly say its an extension of your self or a representation or reproduction of your uniqueness as an individual?

As an individual that person you are trying to be better than or setting as a standard do you think you can be better than him or you think he can be better than you in being you?

I don't think there any need for competition or jealously since its not in Your self interest because you are the only one and no one can be better at being you than you and the world need you to achieve its purpose and can I tell you something, just as the sky has enough space to accommodate all the stars that shines at night so long as you up your game by  being you; shining your light, the hall of fame of reality has enough space  for the impression and projection of your name. Everyone is a star and can shine together to illuminate the darkness of this age.

Find you! focus on you and live you; everything else will be taken care of


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