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The job of parenting is an enormous task but a noble course of which the woman's role in it - Home making, is critical even the Bible says that "a wise woman builder her home but a foolish woman destroy it with her own hands and that's why I have a major issue with the ruling philosophy in our society characterized by civilization when it comes to issue of career for women. You see many people unknowingly publicly displaying their naivety, dishonesty and compromise of the integrity of upholding the value of their individuality as a woman by rejecting the role and office of a housewife as if it’s a curse because of what contemporary society has made us to believe and we have come to accept. This singular acceptance and publicizing of this philosophy has eaten deep into our society killing the esteem of the few who chooses to live in integrity to the value of woman in house wife office and reducing our men; making them irresponsible to man-up to their responsibility in the home as the provider.

I think I need to make something clear here to clarify some misconceptions. Anything can be professionalized - education is what makes the difference. There are no menial jobs but menial minds. A profession Is the role and place in the system a person chooses and is best suited to operate and function through which the unique value of his individuality (in this case wife/home manager) best finds expression, giving the value all other individuals and institutions of society requires to function optimally and earning honour and positive identity(reputation) for it.

Ideally the Job title = Home maker
Career line = Home management and administration
Occupation = House wife

Modern civilization ought to be the pedestal for individuality to find more expression but when the foundation is neglected no real value is achieved and sustained because what(ingredients) make us individual is metaphysical hence the values needed to sustain reality's continuous functionality in a healthy state cannot be compromised. Observe consequential effects the choice of blindness to this value has robbed us in the society

1. Adulterated immature men and women dishonestly operating with an opposing philosophy to nature who cannot well define their role and purpose in the marriage institution as defined by nature and cannot produce a healthy loving family, creating the needed environment for the emotional and psychological development of children into becoming indispensable citizens for socioeconomic development in the society

2. Producing complacency and slackness on the part of the males, shifting their core responsibility of being a provider to the woman instead of nature’s design that the woman is the resource manager and allocator while the man is the provider and protector etc

3.increased stress and emotional health issues on every member of the family since one aspect is lacking and other members of the family whose functionality depends on the provision they get from that are suffering major deficiencies that robs of in the jobs and education and other areas of life

In the philosophy of system the order is “being before doing”, your being determines your doing. A husband cannot perform his responsibility if he is not a husband and the process for ‘being’ involves training and same applies to the wife. You have to be the person who can do/perform the role or responsibilities it accrues you cannot effectively function in a role when you have not become the person for that role. A need to go back to the basis is crucial to resuscitate the values that the ideal family’s sustainability thrives on.

I hear many oppositions submission thus that many career/working class women have good families if you would be sincere within yourself you will agree that the responsibility of being a core house wife is enormous let alone adding more complex external career responsibility to it. There's always an opportunity cost of which most times the home is the one who suffers more

The business and career of home management is a noble one requiring various skills that should be learnt to effectively perform the various tasks, for me and the man need to pay her separate salary for the job which includes
Nursing him and the children(emotional and psychological health)
Visitor’s hospitality
Child training and development
Family funds manager/investor
Nutrition and family meal planner
Home sanitation manager
Assistant to the husband when away
In-laws management
You can add to the list

Many issues associated with juvenile delinquency in the society will be eradicated

Issues associated with Children lacking proper training, upbringing and direction for their lives

Waste and non-prudence in resources on things that are not necessary (e.g paying high school fees for no value when you should be the main teacher them are supplement)

In-laws issues

Children will be discovered and channeled to the right career early

The following subsidiaries can spring up from the profession of house wife

1. Blog, website, books or media programs teaching new principles practically proven for managing the home each episode or session will highlight various sections of home management with personal practical examples
2. Public speaking and women empowerment association set up to empower/equip women and even men for building an ideal family
3. A school to focus on teaching and inculcating values and skills in young ones preparing them for family lifelife
4. Professional maid service provider (recruitment training and outsourcing)
5. Imo state created a new government position called commissioner for happiness who says a professional house wife can not create a niche for herself in government if the impact will heal the sicknesses and diseases many families in contemporary society are suffering

Let’s stop all these obscure reasoning and apply the education we received effectively

For more on the business and profit of professional house wife please send me a personal message

Thank you


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