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Your Purpose is as essential as the Air you breathe

Until now despite the aggressive preaching and teachings from pastors, teachers, motivational speakers, etc many people are still yet to grasp the need, I meant the essence. I mean the gravity and the risk of living outside ones purpose.

You see, the universe and reality has a definite design to it which sets the standard of what is of value, which we should choose to seek after and why we must choose seek and gather them. Since there's a definite design, which determines the order and structure of which conformity or nonconformity to it is what we use to conceive purpose. Purpose - Reason- answer to the question "why" is the essence of a thing or an action. If you give birth to a child and after 3years he is still as a baby he is not growing or developing; you should as a matter of urgency be alarmed, disturbed and inquisitive because its defying the natural order - living things grow and when they do you don't ask why but if they don't you should because its abnormal this abnormality and irregularity of things is where purpose is birthed from. For abnormalities to be restored back to normality for irregularities to be corrected for things to be brought back to align and conform to natural order gives us a course to pursue, to find out the " why" and determine what to do and how to do to. Because if you are not part of the solution, then you are indirectly part of the problem. Problem being the I'll effect and feelings experience due to these irregularities and how to solve it.

As an advocate for the philosophy of system, we know that this definite design of the universe is like a system; everything that makes it up has definite design for their definite roles working interdependently for the system to achieve continuity in healthy and optimal state of functionality. So that reality's system doesn't come to a hult, so that reality system maintain it healthy state, so that reality continues to function at its best, is what gives us all the purpose we have. And since the irregularities of today's world is a threat to achieving the goal, we all have to find out why, determine what we should do and how to go about it so as to regularize reality's irregularities and achieve continuity of the system in a healthy and optimal state of functionality

So happiness which is the reward value we seek in life is only possible when we assume the definite design nature assigned us and perform the function for which that design was given us. Happiness is the feeling of pride and euphoristic experience accrued in the process/journey of discovering retaining preserving developing and distributing ones unique value and seeing the extent to which it has regularized reality's irregularities and achieve the purpose of the system inspite of oppositions

In contemporary human society because of lack of this understanding, people have a perverse view of life and tend to approach it wrongly. People based on wrong metaphysics give wrong definition to concept and defying the whole order of things by the way they have chosen to live. So for instance because I don't have this understanding, I think life is about making money, is about eating and drinking, is about rising above others, and we tie our happiness to it. So if we are not eating and drinking we are not happy, if we are not making money we are not happy, if we are not... then we are not happy. There is an ultimate purpose set by nature which is the aim for which we desire to achieve the lesser goals. We have to make money, we have to go to school, we have to get a job, we have to do a business we have to get married because of its essence in helping us achieve the purpose and gain the reward value which is happiness

There are some terms that is associated with purpose they are, vision, mission need want and value

Purpose - the reason for wanting to achieve something
General: Continuity of reality system in a healthy and optimal state of functionality
Individual: maximize happiness by contributing my unique value towards achieving the general purpose

Vision -The picture or resulting image of reality after your unique value has been contributed
General - An ideal society where every individual maximizes happiness from communal living by discovery retention protection development and dispersion of their unique value among other members of the community
Individual: A significant progress towards achieving the vision by contributing my unique value

Mission: the focal activities and engagement that will bring us to achieving the vision
General: maximize every opportunity and resource in discovering retaining preserving developing and distributing the unique value in totality to enhance the functionality of other members for the vision to be realized and purpose achieved
Individual: to lookout for and use every available medium and resource
to discover, retain, preserve, develop and distribute the unique value to enhance the functionality of others for the vision to be realized and purpose achieved

The above has therefore set us all on a focus and on a purposeful assignment. It helps us to define and determine what is of value to us or not. We can differentiate what we need from what we want and set our priorities right according to this. Need characterizes a vaccum for something/someone required indispensably to meet or achieve a goal or a purpose. Need is something without which a purpose achievement would be a fruitless effort so we need food to live, we need legal skill to practice the legal profession. But you want something which you can gain value from but can do without especially when we check it based on the ultimate purpose of existence. You want a second car but you need mobility, you want marriage but you need people and healthy relationships, you want certifications but you need education/knowledge etc

Because value is the currency acceptable as payment for purpose to deliver itself therefore we don't need or want things for their own sake but for the purpose it can help us achieve. The value of what is needed or wanted is determined/measured by the degree to which it aids the individual mission to realize his vision and actualize his purpose and the general purpose. So marriage, career, money, exercise, food, friends, church, fasting, vacation you just name it the purpose - the ultimate purpose is what we use to determine how valuable or important these things are and remember some of them are not necessities (needs) because whether or not we have them, our mission is not hindered we can still actualize our vision and achieve our purpose.

Because we want to live and to live happily we need to live purposefully. living in the true essence of it, is when the unique identity assigned an individual is not shutdown,  shut down or adulterated but left to grow and develop to maturity and dispersing the fruits which is what others who are members of the system needs to continue to function and for the whole system to continue to function anything outside this is death because that role which is designed for his specific nature is left fallow denying others the needed value for their functionality and is contributing to the destruction of the system. infact a person who is not being himself and living his individuality is dead

So the next time you see people crazy about something, everyone doing it or acquiring it, ask how does this aid my mission to realize my vision. and actualize my purpose. So this will help you decide how to channel, where to channel, the measure to channel and why you are channel your resources (time money energy talents) there because you have been able to identify it as a need and know that the achievement of purpose cannot be possible without it.

Today, internalize the purpose vision and mission lesson. Ask yourself: what's my purpose as a member of the system? what vision do I have? what is supposed to be my mission and what do I or should i consider of value or a need to be able to achieve those, then make necessary adjustments because ultimately purpose is a non-negotiable as it is as essential to your life as the air you breathe


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