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The fallacy of education (advocating an epistemological solution)

One of the greatest deceptions or fallacies of all time is to set schooling or academic pursuits/achievement as the bases to define or determine a person's level/quality of education

Like I am usually misunderstood by most of my critics about the identity of a person not primary institutional, social or biological but metaphysical. What defines who a person is eg (educated or uneducated) is the extent to which he commits his mind to discovery of basic characteristics of himself and of the world around him and to determine how he is supposed to live/act in order to preserve, sustain and exploit this characteristics/features (himself and the world around) for his enjoyment. So I am who I am not because an institution says so by giving me a certificate, not because people say so, not because of the family I come from but because nature gave it to me and I am who I am before society agreed . I am me and i introduce myself to society not me being introduced to myself by the society that's a defiance of the order of operations of reality's system. so whether or not they(society) accepts, it doesn't change who I am - a quote I read somewhere which corroborates this position says  "be you: the world will adjust"

What makes a person who he is which is secondarily social as different from what he is which is metaphysical is the problem or irregularities in reality to which he has committed what he is, as designed by the system to correcting via processes of discovery learning developing and gaining reward values from. He is a lawyer or a doctor or a father only if he commits "what" he is as designed by nature to correct an irregularity in reality caused by the vacuum of no home leader or no advocate or no health care bridging that gap and solving that problem is what gives him that title or identity of doctor or lawyer or father etc. In my place it is said that the title or name a person is christened is based on the work he does but in this case, the problem he is committed to resolving in order to discover sustain preserve develop and exploit this characteristics/features (himself and the world around) for his enjoyment and others.

Therefore a person is not a doctor or a husband or a father or a friend or a student or a teacher by any institutional, social or biological standard but metaphysical. I can be educated with or without the certificate, I can be educated with or without going to school no wonder the White menn help us make it clearer by postulating that there are two mode of acquiring education formal and informal and because the formal is man made(social and institutional) and the informal is (metaphysical or by nature's design) people who learn more from nature and from the metaphysical tends to be wiser and more successful and ruling their territories than those who attended school/formal education because ultimately you can never cheat nature since its the base that defines the order of how things ought to be done inside it which. including education and rewards everyone according to their commitment, loyalty and adherence to its dictates. No wonder time is the best test of everything including education because when something is not based on the metaphysical nature of the universe it cannot be sustained for long because its out of the soil which will hold it and provide all the nutrients it needs to be strongly rooted and sustained. If anyone say's he is educated, with time we will know

Education is about knowledge acquisition and using to mould and structure the mind to be able to guide mans decisions and actions most profitably and like I said the objectivity and definite nature of the universe has defined how this knowledge or education should be acquired and this is the major focus of the branch of philosophy called epistemology. Epistemology the discipline that studies, discovers and defines how knowledge is acquired, how we judge our perceptions about the world around us, how we can be sure/certain about what our minds tell us that things are be it ourselves or everything(including fellow humans) that exist inside.

Today education has been misconceived by many people because of this vacuum and negligence to epistemology which the philosopher ought to define. What we have is the school of life because man is born tabula rasa (empty state of mind no knowledge) everything he knows or should know has to be learned. And that why education is fundamental because mans feelings/sensations can help him identify his physical needs but his conception which is only by reason using the data he accumulate from observing and sensing that he can use to discover identify what in the world around is is suitable to meet the need. In course of this discovery journey he may make an error might even cost him his life but he still retains the means of tracing and correcting it that means is reason. Since reality is objective and reason is structured in a manner to be able to comprehend it, if there's a mistake its not as a result of change in reality but misinterpretation by reason and this error can be identified and corrected and that when it is said that a new discovery or new thing has been learned.

Our educational philosophy need to be as a matter of urgency redefined with a new approach and commitment to the discipline of epistemology. Man basic need or value is knowledge which is what education provide but like it's said by syn rand that man is the only creature who can act as the destroyer of his own self by choice of which he has been doing although his history, not because he is ignorant but because he has refused to learn/know not because he is blind but because he refused to observe/see not because he is dumb but because he refuses to think/reason and this reasoning structure in order to salvage man as a specie in order to preserve humanity in order to achieve the ideal society must we all arise with a new approach to education/learning conforming to reality by giving more attention to the discipline of epistemology


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