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You can achieve Your purpose without a plan(Joseph a phlegmatic case study)

As a philosophically minded person that I am, my concern for practical knowledge is second to none and when it comes to the bible and Gods word its not an exception. I need to verify, I need to proof and arrive at a personal conviction about the truth and validity of every word that is written and proposed to me for ideal living

Based on that, I love to do character study of bible characters. Even on a normal day, I am enthusiastic about the biographies of great people who have been able to overcome, triumph and make their marks despite all odds. I try to study their personality traits, challenges and weakness to see how they relate to my present situation - to see how they maneuvered and see how I can apply it to my own life. Because it is said that History always repeat itself when people refuse to learn from history. Studying these past failure and success gives me an upper hand not to repeat their errors and be better than them

In that regards there's a particular person who have gained so much of my attention and I really got interested in his story because I feel there are two basic things we share in common which to me I feel its a great disadvantage in today's world
1. No plans on vision
2 A phlegmatic personality not the driver of his destiny

In recent times, I seem to (after seeing the vision) have no plans on how to achieve it which is a big 'No' for living successfully in today's world. As a phlegmatic personality; loyal to serving others not really seeking my own attention and all I have lost by virtue of this helping other's dream course mission etc succeed and left not known how to go about mine

Joseph was an innocent and sincere young guy with big dreams like me but guess what? he had no plans, strategy or means for achieving them. How does he expect miracle to just happen? How does he intend to work towards making this dream a success. Guess what, the bible didn't reveal any sign of anxiety on the part of Joseph or worry or serious strenuous exercise in trying to come up with plans for achieving his dream he just was diligent with what he found himself doing as situation or life put him into. He wasn't sure, he had no control over events and happening circumstances surrounding his life and destiny. He only had and knew two thing's: His God and his dream. Since God is the master planner whose skill and power finds expression in our weaknesses, he just let eventhough he didn't cause: Joseph to be sold to be a servant in potirfas house,to be sent to prison, to stay much longer than expected but the one promised us an expected end, if we surrender our plans and will to him. He just arranged for the seemingly unfortunate incidents to align together to make that dream which was his expectation to be achieved. But the major factor I saw was the love of God

I just believe so strongly in the love for God because Gods rewards for those that love him is unimaginable. He will make everything both errors and ignorance to work in your favour because nothing on earth that you can't surrender or do away with because of him.

Its the love that attracted the presence that made him much successful in the house of portiphar and inspiration to interpret dreams. The love which made them so strongly knitted made him know him so much that 'no'! he couldn't betray or surrender their love for whatever it was portifars wife wanted to offer him. He loved him and he knew him that 'no' God is too big - if God wants to bless him, its not through that immoral means and not that measure of reward

You don't necessarily have to have plans for your dreams to come true you just have to have genuine love for God for your dreams to come true


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