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The New School

 There are only 4 ➕ 1 things that really matters and defines true and effective education - which is what education must give you

1 Who you are: talking about self discovery 

2 what you have talking about your abilities, potentials, core strengths, superpowers and unique value 

3 How to use your unique value powers to help others and advance your life

4 where you are and fit - Talking about the right environment terms of role, location, market, profession business etc that aids it's effective expression, help it flourish and yield greatest rewards and returns

5 Stage talking about providing platform that brings you up and out as you perform to be seen and sorted after by multitudes which is the deal breaker

And as a result of absence of these in conventional educational school system, we have graduates and so called educated people moving around roaming around as victims of life, unable to help themselves or even contribute adequately and effectively to the growth of institutions even when given the opportunity 

And so in this all comprehensive 5 weeks masterclass (program) titled the new school. You will be going through a transformational learning experience and journey that would radically transform the standard and quality of your life

Intensive training covering core areas such as

Science of self Discovery and development

Mental health and wellness

Ethics of life and Time management

Leadership and developmental studies

Essential of communication and understanding

Risk management and decisions

Principles of love and relationship

Fundamentals of Business and Brand development

Family and home management

Vocation and career education

With unique offer include

Certificate of completion 

Life MAP reading: A report that reveals  comprehensive life and career path, purpose, career, soul mate and essential values you need to achieve dream and destiny 

Scholarship = enjoy at least 20% off fees to study your choice course or program and get degree, diploma, professional or international certificate

Job or business get fixed up on a decent employment on completion of concluded any of degree or professional programs

Affiliate and ambassador: Earn money and recognition for representing us at your preferred location and enrolling students (after foundation program)

Career counseling session: Free 1hr career counseling session weekly

Lifetime access to training videos and resources

Flexible and convienient venue and time: combines both live and virtual classes. including recorded sessions

Alumni Community for networking, updates and post-training support

Media feature of your project works and ideas at the end of the program


Fast action Bonus 48hrs

Passive Income (earn 10% of the tuition amount every month for 2 years)

Qualify to contest for full scholarship on our professional/degree program

Free ticket to attend yearly New school summit events (exhibition, performance and networking with industry leading experts and stakeholders in educational sector)


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