Reality is objective but our
understanding, opinion, views, conclusion about it depends on the mindset which
we use to view it and which determined or developed over the years from our
background/family upbringing, education, environment, level of exposure and
what we are exposed to, our association which just as the mind is the door
channel between reality and our personal life experience these mindset become
like the filter panel if wrongly firmed could seive/filter out the values good of reality
from flowing into our lives if formed well will only help us filter non values
and only allow the values from reality to flow in. Philosophy is therefore
essential because it helps to shape screw and readjust ones mindset until its
sync with objective reality the philosophy become like the installed
programming of the mind and driver of reason ensuring that interpretation and
conclusion it reaches about concrete and concept in reality is objective is
Therefore I having observed the misconception
that's responsible for irreconcilable differences affecting relationship and
leading people astray by way of wrong judgment leading to wrong decision and
action resulting
looses, I developed the philosophy of system with the aim of providing
standard and lens for viewing reality to identify and choose the right values
eliminating errors and
help us establish common ground for harmonious relationship an association
amongst fellow human and achieve the ideal society where every individual
maximize the profit of communal living
The philosophy of system states that the
foundation of reality is the system emanating held together and powered
primarily by the spirit of God with individual maximization of the profit of
communal living made possible by the system as the moral purpose of man’s life
with finding fitting
functioning optimally within the scope of his place in the system via the
attainment of the knowledge and perfection of God in nature and character as
his noblest activity and his mind/reason as his indiscriminate guide for
identification, for visualization, for imaginative conceptualization and the
regulation of the flow of power to effect and sustain his will in reality
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