So you want to start a family and
you don’t have a vision for the family, are you kidding me? You mean you don’t have
a clear discrete picture of what and how you want your family to look like
penned down and you want to have a successful home? You mean you don’t know
what you intend to achieve with that kind of family you want to raise and have
it penned down. Like you don’t have reasonable reason why you even want to go
into marriage and start a family or you think it’s a sin if you don’t get
married? In fact the sinner is he who married for every wrong reason which is
outside the standard/ doesn’t align to the ultimate purpose of the system by
the philosophy of system. You mean you have not determined the cost, identified
the resources and how to source those resources required to achieve the vision
of that kind of family you want to raise? you mean you don’t have an
administrative structure, template, model to run guide direct control and
regulate operations and involvements and rewards of stake holders, resources
and factors to ensure that vision is realized. Wait wait wait, when we say
marriage is an institution and family is a unit of the society what were you
thinking we meant eh? In every society/state as it were, we have government
institutions, educational institutions, corporate/business institutions, social
institutions etc don’t you see they are all institutions so they are basically
the same? Haaa!!!! The same way we had to structure and run the corporate institutions
recording major successes in business/corporate world and still dominating the
industry is how we should run the family for it to be a success. like if you
want to live a good legacy and establish a strong brand name for your family
dominating that industry and influencing other spheres of human endeavor. Don’t
you hear of the ibru family and the likes? I watched a movie; empire they own a
family business I’m not saying the purpose of family is to start a business but
am saying the success is greatly determined by management system of which if
the same management system and model adopted in establishing and running these successful
organizations are incorporated into the family institution it will be
successful. But you know that before you start an organization you need to
establish the foundations which are vision mission purpose values and
policy/operational procedures goals programs and outlined routine activities to
achieve them. Why are human beings not thinking nau, esp ladies mostly just the
euphoria and enthusiasm of wedding wedding just for social recognition, respect
and to belong so they can avoid the loss of self-esteem which they pegged to
marriage but no capacity no strength of character required to be able to
structure and build a family that will establish a strong brand and phenomenal
stake in the history of human existence. Oga and madam single hoping to get
married and already married; you cannot achieve success in marriage without a
written down well communicated and internalized vision mission values plan for
the family. You as a guy that is your job to establish and develop that
foundation and that’s why a course in leadership and management(general and
family/home) is compulsory in the education of the male folks (its already
integrated into thrivehood’s the new school curriculum) because I don’t understand
the education administrators in the world, how they think and come up with the
curriculum that people go through, i don’t understand the base and standard they
use to evaluate and determine how these courses are categorized and
administered and it’s all bullshit since they neglect metaphysical foundation
of the universe. Then find a woman who is willing and ready to work with you towards
achieving it, i say work, i said work because is not moi moi. And you the lady
i can’t understand why you or what you are doing in courtship with a guy who
doesn’t have vision mission values policy for the family hes calling you to
help him build if not that you can and
want to help him discover and develop it or a guy whose vision mission purpose
values for the family has not been clearly stated and communicated to you. Then
it just clearly reveals the flaws in your value system evident in your priority
list of what you lookout for in your ideal groom/husband. Without you knowing
these basics how do you know what you are about to help with as the help mate
or you don’t know it’s the work of building a model family which is able to produce
optimally and effective individuals to drive socioeconomic development in any
society he enters that you were recruited to support assist and contribute to
the realization since it is a tedious work for the man alone? I don’t just know,
eh don’t you know this man is just like
an employer who has structured established and raised the brand to an extend
and advertising a vacancy for you as a lady and you are demanding for salary
and allowances from the boss when you have not agreed to work for him by
requesting and expecting he spends on you to prove love? When you have not
accepted the employment terms and conditions when you have not proven your
worth and value by your contribution to the development of the business or
organization you were recruited into ah? Even the job description is there
during the probation/training period before your appointment is confirmed and
you are given full employment which is when the marriage is done. Job
description during probation and after you appointment is confirmed when you
now have an established role and place in the organization are not the same oooo.
Your job description changes after appointment has been confirmed like there
are added responsibilities during probation. Madam your responsibility doesn’t include
sex ooooo madam don’t come here with those stupid crocodile tears of giving him
sex like you did him a favour. it’s for your selfish interest I mean the sexual
act itself you enjoyed it so don’t come and cry when you gave sex and you lost
the relationship. It’s your fault of having misplaced priorities and flawed
value system. How do you even define success sef, as in what is the standard
you use to determine the success of the family or home. See according to the
philosophy of system the vision of the family is to provide an enabling
environment with adequate resources for the overall development, wellbeing and
welfare of all stakeholders to attain independence and contribute significantly
to the common good of the larger society. So by that standard rate yourself in
terms of the family you came from, the one you intend to establish or the one
you are currently running and tell me if you continue as you are now if this
stated general family vision can be achieved? People think oo well that’s the
whole idea of thrivehood using the philosophy of system to provide you the
template or model and teach them how to use/customize it to suit/bring out the
unique value of you as an individual family business etc to achieve the ideal
In my dream last night, was as though I was taken back in times over centuries ago to see and have a feel of what life looked like. This was some 16.... Years ago era before the first industrial revolution and I saw a man and a woman in a cart having two farm animals tied to it to pull it along with the tools which they use to work on the plant station or work area(was like the two people where the plant/factory owner) and how two boys were tilling and scrapping the ground using shovels with fullness of joy - was as if they were hoping and working with the intention that someday "I would rise beyond common labourer rising through foreman, supervisor, manager and someday own my own graving plant where I will employ and have others work for me and probably establish more stations and employ more people. That was their greatest ambition! their highest achievement. And many during that time will look at it too and thought it to also be a great dream/ambition. I could imagine polit...
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