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Welcome my esteemed readers. today we would be solving the puzzle, what is the desired state?
For us to make headway and be sure to make progress in what we intend to do(how virtues and ethics in action can be the solution to the problems of attaining a desired state of living) we need to define what we mean by desired state. The issue of not having a definite and clear vision is a major problem to achieving any goal. how do you know when you get to where you are going, when in the first place you are not sure or particular of where you are going? another analogy, how do you recognize what you are looking for(when you find it) when you don't even know what you are looking for. Therefore to be sure we would ever attain the ideal state, we need to define what we mean by ideal state of life, then we can now go on on the topic of attaining it. So it is open to you, what do you consider a state of life that is ideal. What are the basic features evident in a person's state of life that can assure you that... yes! he has attained or we have attained life's ideal state
luxury is one aspect of ideal state

Still on the subject; 'desired state', we may however have our reservations and personal perceptions of what this state means to us eg
when I become rich
when I get married and have a happy home
when I become famous and influential
when I become the next managing director
when I become this and that or when get that

notwithstanding the different perspectives and perceptions of people on this subject, it is not unconnected with a state of peace, comfort, freedom, satisfaction, fulfillment or what aristole described in his book; nicchomachean ethics as happiness

However this state of happiness or pleasure is highly influenced by actions; I mean actions make us happy and actions makes us sad (irrespective of whose action it is; ours or others) eg the action of a father to buy a new car for his son will make him happy and also the action of a father to smack his son will hurt the son. What we want to establish here is that the what produces happiness/pleasure is actions
no wander jeremy bentham stated with his theory of utilitarianism that right actions are those that produces greatest pleasure and happiness to the greatest number of people. Here results is what labels an action right or wrong(determining right actions would be our next topic). For us therefore to say we want to attain desired state our focus is on 'what actions to embark on that would produce happiness and satisfaction to both we and other members of the society'. it is also important to state that happiness and satisfaction is a thing of the mind even though it goes in from physical results. Happiness is as a result of a need/desire(which is in the mind) that is met or satisfied

People have different things that make them happy including seeing the hurt of others which john stuart mill regards as low quality pleasure. the intention and desire is also an influential factor to attaining this state. if my desire or need is geared to hurt another and actions to hurt other would satisfy me then i have attained desired state(need has been met). to therefore say we want to attain desired state we must separate wrong desires,needs and hunger which intend to hurt another

Therefore life's ideal state is attained when each of us individually maximizes the profit(happiness) of communal living which is only possible by the philosophy of system
This explanation of desired state show that the state we want to attain is beyond the physical environment but inside the soul. when the mind attains the state, we can be sure it will reflect a better state in the physical environment.

Can we attain it? 



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