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Back when the world was new(over 6000years ago) it had the newness of everything and inhabitants enjoyed the fullness of their lives in it. But then, it now seems the wind of time had blown it away and that feeling and state of life remains a memory; all hopes of restoring it seems a mirage and an illusion as the puzzle of finding the surest means to restore back this state of life to the earth remains a contemporary(an ongoing) issue which has since yet remained unresolved. This puzzle of finding means to help man get back to that initial state has given birth to various areas of study dealing with issues like.....
ideal desired state of life; no worries no fears
Economics: To address issue of scarcity of resources in satisfying human wants
Biology: to understand anatomy of organisms(plant and animals) and how best to enact a relationship among them that will enhance good living
Government: to lead/direct people and organize resources in a given territory in a way that will enhance good living
Psychology: to study the mind of people and understand their difference to meet each of their different mind needs
Mathematics and logic: the tool of reasoning used to trace root of problems and proffer solutions
and many other disciplines,which over the years has helped people to improve the state of life through innovations, inventions by improving their skill and knowledge.

However, acknowledging the changes and transformations these areas of study, disciplines and inventions has done in our world today,

Can we affirm that life on earth has attained its desired state?
people have access to these innovations and inventions, knowledge of the teachings of this disciplines but yet don't get to be satisfied and fulfilled
benefactor of inventions and innovation yet still to attain desired state
if the answer is no,
Then what picture do we have of a desired state?
What defines this desired state we hope to attain?
How do we know it has been attained?

Haven established what we intent to attain and the fact that it is not yet attained,

Then what can we say is the major issue to deal with that is obstructing it?
or who do we say is responsible for not attaining it?
are we dealing with the who or the what that is responsible or both?

Having discovered the major problem(s) then...
Can virtues, ethics and moral practices as we propose to be the surest means adequately address this issues?

All these questions and more we intend to examine, discover and properly address to ensure life on earth attains its desired state. Furthermore we would be examining real life scenarios and issues to extract major issues and would be educating you on how virtues and ethics in action can help address them to ensure the desired state of situation is restored are attained. We also would be giving you opportunities to air your opinions and air your reservations to our conclusions, you also have the opportunity of meeting fellow members of the blog(forum) to share opinions on the subject, ask questions and if you require special assistance on a private issue you want us to advice you on, you can send us a mail I welcome you to this beautiful and adventurous journey to your attaining a desired states of living and contributions to helping the world attain a desired state of life.

Finally, it is pertinent to emphasize that this forum is basically serving as means of a wake up call to all of us on our major purpose and responsibility as humans which is to restore the state of life on earth back to the initial intended state at creation. And to bring to our knowledge that one of the greatest failure(if not the greatest failure) is to live this world, especially in contemporary times at the present state it is, without one or several obvious efforts and contributions towards(if not attaining the desired state)leaving it at a better state than we met it. Else, we would be a disappointment to the creator haven made us humans. We were made humans because we were believed to have the capacity and ability to coordinate affairs on this earth and ensure it is at a desired state and so we were entrusted with that responsibility. Therefore we must awaken to this duty and live up to expectations, else, other lower agencies on this earth will mock our position on life's scale as the greatest and most dominant agent

welcome to a world of possibilities..............


  1. i love this piece. it has ignited an optimistic spirit in me that i can actually attain my desired state. am already anxious to get more of these piece as you stated to enable me attain a desired state. thumbs up man!


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